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There is no passing or failing score on the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests. The tests measure different levels of ability. The single, continuous scale enables you to set attainable goals and measure progress as your skills improve.


How the Tests Are Scored

Test responses are scored based on specific evaluation criteria. Depending on which test you take, you will receive a Speaking score, a Writing score or both with a combined scale score.

For alternate scoring information for test takers with disabilities, please see the Disability Accommodations Guidelines(PDF).


Proficiency Levels

Scores fall into ranges called proficiency levels, which summarize specific skill strengths and weaknesses. To read the description of each proficiency level, see the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing Examinee Handbook (PDF).


Speaking Test Scores

  • Questions 1–9 are rated on a scale of 0–3.

  • Questions 10–11 are rated on a scale of 0–5.

  • The sum of the ratings is converted to a scaled score of 0–200.

  • Eight proficiency levels are provided.


Writing Test Scores

  • Questions 1–5 are rated on a scale of 0–3.

  • Questions 6–7 are rated on a scale of 0–4.

  • Question 8 is rated on a scale of 0–5.

  • The sum of the ratings is converted to a scaled score of 0–200.

  • Nine proficiency levels are provided.


Scoring Process

ETS uses a rigorous scoring process to ensure fair, reliable results. Test responses are sent through a secure online system and scored by certified and calibrated ETS raters, who are closely monitored throughout the process.

Multiple raters independently score responses to the Speaking and Writing tests. This ensures a level of fairness in the scoring process that traditional one-on-one interviews alone cannot provide.


Score Validity

Scores are used to measure your English proficiency at the time that a test is administered. Because English-language skills may improve or decline over time, a score report will not be reissued if two years have passed since taking the test. 

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