A Versatile Solution for English Programmes
English programmes around the world trust the TOEFL Junior® tests to help them with placement decisions and monitoring progress of their students. Score users include:
English-language programmes
International schools where the language of instruction is English
Schools in non-English speaking countries that focus on teaching content through English
Discover the Ways the TOEFL Junior Tests Can Help You
TOEFL Junior scores have multiple uses in English-language classrooms, including:
Placing students in English-language programmes so they are matched with level-appropriate instruction
Monitoring progress over time to measure learning and proficiency
Using "can-do" statements provided on the score report to inform conversations with parents
Advising students on appropriate book selections based on MetaMetrics® Lexile®measures to improve their English reading proficiency
Mapping student achievement to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for international benchmarking